Northwind is in the top three of my favorite quilt blocks for the simple reason that you can put different color blocks next to each other and make magic happen. This works because of the lights and darks. It's that simple. And of course, I didn't know this until I started putting the blocks together.
At first I made four blocks all the same color. I used different colors, but had all four blocks the same. It was really boring. (I forgot to take a picture of this.)

This is not a difficult block at all. Northwind is made up of half square triangles and triangles. It moves along fairly quickly and you don't get bored with the same two fabrics. The part that takes the longest is squaring up the half square triangles. I have tried in the past to skip that step but then your points don't always match.
I loved this quilt so much that I put it as the header of my new baby quilt website. Take a look at my new site and let me know what you think!
See you next time with quilt block 108!